Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Day Without Puke

So, the pukies invaded our house on Tuesday. It started out with Grant and it was disgusting! Luckily, he his 15 month check up that day so we got to see the doctor. He did not have a fever or cough so she said it was just a stomach bug and not the mutant flu that has been killing people lately. Side note, at 15 months he weighs 23lbs and my nephew, who just had his 9 month check up weighs 22lbs. I'm not surprised at the 22lb part but I am surprised Grant only weighs 23lbs because after dinner he has a serious belly! Chubby babies are cute, chubby mommas, not so much! Anywho, after I cut out milk for Grant he stopped puking but stayed crabby. For days. Then, at 2:30am Wed., it got Austin. We cut out milk for him too and it helped for the most part. He still had a few "incidences" but not as bad. Then, finally, Friday we were puke free! And, it was almost 60 degrees out, woohoo!! They were still beyond crabby so as soon as Grant woke up from his nap I threw them in the car and off to the park we went. A walk makes everyone happy!

I'm trying out the Runtastic app because, as an awesome bonus with 13 in 13, they have given us a promo code that unlocks some of the pro features with the free version, yay! It cracks me up that it took us so long to hardly go a mile. With them, everything takes longer. It was, I want to walk, I want in the stroller, I'm cold, I dropped my blanket, I'm hot...all from Austin, of course. Grant was in the back stuffing his face with goldfish and saying "Goooo!" My starting and ending point don't connect either because right in the break is the window on nature so we went in and watched 2 squirrels chase each other for awhile and listened to the bird calls on the little educational thing they have. It's Austin's favorite place!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the puke has left the building! Enjoy those warm temps for me! We are sitting at -30 degree wind chills right now.

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