Sunday, March 24, 2013

Change of Plans

   There has been a change of plans. I'm so freaking scared excited I could throw up jump for joy! I've registered to run a half in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon in Cleveland October 5th!! I really wanted to run it and had heard how awesome the Rock 'n' Roll series was (not to mention the bling!) but had convinced myself I couldn't. No way could I ever run 13.1 miles. Justin, of course, said I was being crazy and pointed out how many months I had to train and how many things a person could do in that amount of time. Which, at that point, it was still far enough out that I could have had a 3rd child. When it was put in those terms, it did seem a little more doable.

    The deciding factor came when I asked a group of amazingly supportive and inspiring women that I know through Facebook how many had done, or were, doing the Rock 'n' Roll marathon this year and one of them said they would run Cleveland with me. That was just what I needed! My husband is 100% supportive but doesn't understand why anyone would want to just run. To know that I will have someone there who just gets it and is counting on me to be there is really what I needed to motivate me. Naturally, shortly after I registered, I had a dream that I was getting ready for the race and I had forgotten my ear buds, arm band, and that my phone was about to die!

     I'm still going to finish my 10k training. Most half training plans want you to be able to run at least 3 miles to start but I think I'd be more comfortable with 6. I've also registered for another mud run in June and a color run later in the summer so it's going to be a fun summer!

Friday, March 1, 2013

C210K, because I'm too afraid of a half

13.1. Just typing it is scary! 6 is so much smaller and seems much more doable. I'm talking miles, of course. As much as I dream of running a half, training for a 10k just sounds so much easier. And, even though the Cleveland Rock 'n' Roll half is in October and that's plenty of time to train and they have an awesome medal, I'm still too chicken. Instead, I'm going to train for a 10k using Zen Labs C210k app. I'm just finishing up week 1 and I feel great. It really helps that it starts out slowly.

Oh, I also purchased a groupon for a small gym down the street that offers boot camp and kick boxing classes. I'm going to try my first class on Sunday. I'm terrified of this too :)